The Western Canada Trauma Conference | Day Three

Presented by Daphne Fatter, Ph.D., Caroline Buzanko, Ph.D., R. Psych, and Patti Ashley, Ph.D., LPC

On Demand | Available Now


6 Hours  |   Pre-approved for CEU’s


Recorded footage and all course content (certificate, videos, quiz) will be available until May 5, 2025. Extensions cannot be granted under any circumstances.
Please allow 5 – 7 business days after the course airs for recorded footage to become available.

Registration will close on May 1, 2025. 


Attend More and Save! 1 Day enrollment $269.00, 2 day enrollment $469.00, 3 day enrollement $669.00 tax

Fees are per person, seat sharing is not allowed. Please respect this policy, failure to comply will result in termination of access without a refund. For group rates please contact

Day Three Workshop Choices:

Workshop #13: Internal Family Systems Therapy for Trauma Treatment | PRESENTED BY Daphne Fatter, Ph.D.

Developed by Richard Schwartz, Ph.D. forty years ago, Internal Family Systems (IFS) is becoming one of the fastest growing therapy models. The evidenced-based approach is non-pathologizing and attends to the complex impact of traumatic stress, making it effective for working with PTSD and Complex Trauma. Dr. Fatter will review the basic model of IFS, including theoretical assumptions, goals for treatment, and steps of using the IFS model. Dr. Fatter will apply an IFS framework common clinical presentations including how to conceptualize PTSD. This presentation will include case examples to describe the process of applying IFS to trauma treatment in individual therapy with adults. Dr. Fatter will guide an experiential exercise to demonstrate the model and invite clinicians to have increased awareness of their own parts. This presentation will also include ways IFS can be used to help clinicians cope with countertransference reactions and vicarious trauma that often occurs among clinicians when providing trauma treatment. Applications of IFS to legacy and cultural burdens, traumas that are passed down intergenerationally from parents, caregivers, and ancestors as well as burdens from collective trauma and dominant culture, will also be discussed.

Workshop #14: Conquering Anxiety: Concrete Strategies for Helping Your Anxious Adult Clients | PRESENTED BY Caroline Buzanko, Ph.D., R. Psych

Think you’ve mastered everything you need to know about anxiety management? Think again – you might be surprised!

When it comes to treating anxiety, even the most experienced professionals can unknowingly perpetuate ineffective methods. For instance, are you relying on reducing anxious feelings to gauge the success of your interventions? Do you use fear hierarchies? Do you advocate deep breathing or relaxation techniques as anxiety-busting strategies? If so, you may be unknowingly contributing to your clients’ cycle of anxiety.

If you’re committed to elevating your understanding of emotional health and improving outcomes for anxious clients, this workshop is indispensable. It is essential to revolutionize your approach to anxiety and emotional well-being. Go beyond the surface to explore the intricacies of anxiety and emotion regulation. Seamlessly blending the latest research with practical techniques, this workshop equips you with actionable insights that can be applied to real-world cases immediately.

Why Attend?

  • Unlock a robust toolbox of effective interventions backed by cutting-edge research.
  • Gain a deep, nuanced understanding of anxiety, going beyond traditional methods that may inadvertently perpetuate anxiety.
  • Every principle is illuminated with real-life case studies, ensuring the knowledge you acquire is directly applied in your practice.
  • Walk away with a fresh perspective about anxiety and an arsenal of strategies that actually make a difference.

Workshop #15: Healing the Wounded Self, Part 1 | PRESENTED BY Patti Ashley, Ph.D., LPC

Treating trauma in clinical practice is an integral part of effective treatment outcomes. Sometimes clinicians feel stuck and unable to recognize what is keeping a client from moving forward. Often underneath trauma lies a sense of shame or self-loathing. According to trauma experts such as Peter Levin, Bessel van der Kolk, and Gabor Mate’ trauma isn’t something that happens to you, it is what happens inside you.

Challenging trauma clients often harbor feelings of not being good-enough, a deep fear of judgement, and have difficulty being vulnerable in treatment and other relationships. These feelings usually begin with poor attachment and early childhood influences, which then lead to an inability to self-regulate and/or find emotional safety throughout life.

Trauma changes the brain and nervous system resulting in depression, anxiety, fear, shame, rage, addiction, eating disorders, relationship difficulties, and other clinical problems. So much of what trauma clients experience hides in the subconscious until excavated and transformed into post-traumatic growth.

Dr. Patti Ashley combines decades of evidenced based work, neuroscience, polyvagal theory, attachment research, and various treatment modalities to help clients break free from trauma and find ways to access emotional safety and authenticity.

This 3 hour training will provide clinicians with a deeper understanding of the impact of explicit trauma and the correlating implicit shame in clinical practice. Tools and techniques for effective treatment including person-centered empathy, rescripting, right-brain psychotherapy, creative arts, mindfulness, self-compassion, and much more will be explored.

Workshop #16: Polyvagal Theory and Trauma-Informed Stabilization Tools | PRESENTED BY Daphne Fatter, Ph.D.

Polyvagal Theory has become a common go-to resource in trauma treatment. However, clinicians often have difficulty understanding what Polyvagal Theory is and how to incorporate it into effective trauma treatment. Dr. Fatter will discuss Polyvagal Theory in the context of treating PTSD and complex trauma, including how it fits in to a traditional three phase model for trauma recovery. As such, the importance of creating a treatment plan around arousal regulation will be examined. Dr. Fatter will explain in detail symptoms of hyper-arousal, hypo-arousal and calm states of the autonomic nervous system based on Polyvagal Theory. This will help clinicians better identify signs of what state clients are in and help clinicians be able to educate clients about their nervous system. Specific trauma-informed stabilization tools will be discussed that support Polyvagal Theory. There will be opportunities for participants to experience and practice these tools themselves.  This presentation will be interactive and experiential!

Workshop #17: (CONTINUATION) Conquering Anxiety: Concrete Strategies for Helping Your Anxious Adult Clients, Part 2 | PRESENTED BY Caroline Buzanko, Ph.D., R. Psych

Think you’ve mastered everything you need to know about anxiety management? Think again – you might be surprised!

When it comes to treating anxiety, even the most experienced professionals can unknowingly perpetuate ineffective methods. For instance, are you relying on reducing anxious feelings to gauge the success of your interventions? Do you use fear hierarchies? Do you advocate deep breathing or relaxation techniques as anxiety-busting strategies? If so, you may be unknowingly contributing to your clients’ cycle of anxiety.

If you’re committed to elevating your understanding of emotional health and improving outcomes for anxious clients, this workshop is indispensable. It is essential to revolutionize your approach to anxiety and emotional well-being. Go beyond the surface to explore the intricacies of anxiety and emotion regulation. Seamlessly blending the latest research with practical techniques, this workshop equips you with actionable insights that can be applied to real-world cases immediately.

Why Attend?

  • Unlock a robust toolbox of effective interventions backed by cutting-edge research.
  • Gain a deep, nuanced understanding of anxiety, going beyond traditional methods that may inadvertently perpetuate anxiety.
  • Every principle is illuminated with real-life case studies, ensuring the knowledge you acquire is directly applied in your practice.
  • Walk away with a fresh perspective about anxiety and an arsenal of strategies that actually make a difference.

Workshop #18: Healing the Wounded Self, Part 2 | PRESENTED BY Patti Ashley, Ph.D., LPC

Treating trauma in clinical practice is an integral part of effective treatment outcomes. Sometimes clinicians feel stuck and unable to recognize what is keeping a client from moving forward. Often underneath trauma lies a sense of shame or self-loathing. According to trauma experts such as Peter Levin, Bessel van der Kolk, and Gabor Mate’ trauma isn’t something that happens to you, it is what happens inside you.

Challenging trauma clients often harbor feelings of not being good-enough, a deep fear of judgement, and have difficulty being vulnerable in treatment and other relationships. These feelings usually begin with poor attachment and early childhood influences, which then lead to an inability to self-regulate and/or find emotional safety throughout life.

Trauma changes the brain and nervous system resulting in depression, anxiety, fear, shame, rage, addiction, eating disorders, relationship difficulties, and other clinical problems. So much of what trauma clients experience hides in the subconscious until excavated and transformed into post-traumatic growth.

Dr. Patti Ashley combines decades of evidenced based work, neuroscience, polyvagal theory, attachment research, and various treatment modalities to help clients break free from trauma and find ways to access emotional safety and authenticity.

This one-day training will provide clinicians with a deeper understanding of the impact of explicit trauma and the correlating implicit shame in clinical practice. Tools and techniques for effective treatment including person-centered empathy, rescripting, right-brain psychotherapy, creative arts, mindfulness, self-compassion, and much more will be explored.

Day Three 8:30am – 11:45am:

Workshop #13: Internal Family Systems Therapy for Trauma Treatment | PRESENTED BY Daphne Fatter, Ph.D.

Workshop #14: Conquering Anxiety: Concrete Strategies for Helping Your Anxious Adult Clients | PRESENTED BY Caroline Buzanko, Ph.D., R. Psych

Understanding Anxiety from a Transdiagnostic Lens

  • Normal, protective worries vs. anxiety
  • Common vulnerabilities among all emotional disorders
  • Neurobiology of anxiety and strengthening the right neuropathways for therapeutic success

Responding to Anxiety to Break its Cycle

  • Key contributors and traps that maintain anxiety
  • Role of emotion coaching and how important people in the anxious person’s life can respond effectively when anxiety shows up
  • How to respond effectively to big emotions while promoting resilience and emotion regulation

Promoting client buy-in to optimize clinical outcomes

Emotional Awareness & Essential Core Skills (#1 & 2) for Anxiety Matery

  • ARC of anxiety
  • Underpinnings of emotion and their function
  • Strengthening emotional intelligence
  • Emotional versatility and the role of uncertainty
  • Brain shortcuts & tricks
  • Challenge vs. threat response
  • The role of sensory information and context in perception
  • Fundamental misappraisals to address
  • Importance of addressing perfectionism

Workshop #15: Healing the Wounded Self, Part 1 | PRESENTED BY Patti Ashley, Ph.D., LPC

  • Develop an understanding of the neurobiology of trauma and shame.
  • Explore attachment theory, and subsequent adult attachment styles.
  • Recognize how early relationships set the stage for adult relationships.
  • Identify non-verbal, sensory, and implicit cues related to trauma treatment.
  • Recognize the sensory aspects of trauma and develop fine-tuned co-regulation skills.
  • Utilize techniques that facilitate healing body memories of trauma and shame.

Day Three Afternoon 12:45pm – 4:00pm: 

Workshop #16: Polyvagal Theory and Trauma-Informed Stabilization Tools | PRESENTED BY Daphne Fatter, Ph.D.

  • Understand Polyvagal theory and how it applies to effective trauma treatment.
  • Identify several signs of when clients are in a state of hyper-arousal or hypo-arousal.
  • Apply at least one trauma-informed intervention to use when clients are in hyper-arousal and one intervention when clients are in hypo-arousal.

Workshop #17: (CONTINUATION) Conquering Anxiety: Concrete Strategies for Helping Your Anxious Adult Clients, Part 2 | PRESENTED BY Caroline Buzanko, Ph.D., R. Psych

Strategies to Distance and Enhance

  • Defusion
  • Cognitive flexibility
  • Problem-solving
  • Paradox & humour

Emotional Behaviours & Essential Core Skills (#3 & 4) for Anxiety Mastery

  • Integrating all four core skills
  • Addressing action tendencies that maintain or exacerbate emotional discomfort
  • The duality of avoidance
  • Effectively modifying unhelpful emotion-driven behaviours
  • Mood induction
  • Setting up emotion exposures, interoceptive exposures, and situational exposures effectively
  • Paradoxical treatment interventions
  • Maximizing learning and new neural pathways
  • Addressing common exposure obstacles and traps
  • Beyond Exposure: Building tolerance and resilience through committed action
  • What to do when panic hits

Workshop #18: Healing the Wounded Self, Part 2 | PRESENTED BY Patti Ashley, Ph.D., LPC

  • Practice acute right-brain relational attunement with clients.
  • Learn somatic and relational tools that foster compassion & empathy.
  • Discover evidence-based tools and techniques to treat shame and trauma.
  • Utilize mindfulness and meditation to calm nervous system responses.
  • Excavate old narratives and rescript more authentic safety stories.

Clinical Professionals: All mental health professionals including, but not limited to Clinical Counsellors, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Hospice and Palliative Care Workers, Youth Workers, Mental Health Workers, Addiction Specialists, Marital & Family Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants, School Counsellors, Behaviour Specialists, Rehabilitation Consultants, Geriatric Specialists, and all professionals looking to enhance their therapeutic skills.

Daphne Fatter, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist, international speaker and consultant in private practice in Dallas, Texas. Having trained under the direct supervision of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, MD., international pioneer in research on traumatic stress, Dr. Fatter is gifted at translating meaning from research to clinical utility to support best practices for effective trauma treatment.

Caroline Buzanko, Ph.D., R. Psych, is a Psychologist. Mother. International Speaker. Yoda of Anxiety. Neurodivergent Superhero. Changer of Lives. She is a dynamic force in the field of psychology, dedicating nearly three decades to transforming the lives of children, teens, and their families. With a dedicated commitment to fostering deep connections, instilling unwavering confidence, igniting motivation, and building resilience in the face of challenges, Dr. Buzanko’s mission is clear: to ensure that every child and teenager receive the understanding and support they deserve.

Renowned for her expertise in the assessment and support of anxiety, ADHD, ASD, learning, and behavioural challenges, Dr. Buzanko stands as a trusted ally, advocate, and go-to authority. Dr. Buzanko’s research pursuits delve into the realms of resilience and growth, directly informing her clinical approach and resulting in innovative training programs and workshops that have transformed the practices of countless educators, caregivers, allied mental health professionals, and medical doctors.

Dr. Caroline Buzanko is a captivating speaker and anyone who attends her workshops can expect to be enlightened, inspired, and equipped with practical strategies to empower the children and teens they work with. Together, let’s create a world where every child thrives and embraces their full potential.

International workshop presenter, author, and psychotherapist Patti Ashley, Ph.D, LPC, has integrated 40 years of experience in special education, child development, and psychology into her wholehearted work as a psychotherapist, author, international speaker, and authenticity architect coach. She brings unique insights into the identification and treatment of shame, trauma, grief, and dysfunctional family patterns.

Dr. Ashley owns and operates Authenticity Architects in Boulder, Colorado. Her inimitable Authenticity Architects model facilitates long-term changes in the brain and nervous system, helping clients break through unconscious barriers and rediscover a sense of self-love, belonging, and connection.

Patti has counselled a myriad of individuals, couples, families and groups in mental health agencies, psychiatric hospitals, and private practice settings. She also has many years of experience developing continuing education courses for physicians, hospital wellness programs, universities, and other organizations.

Dr. Ashley holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in psychology from the Union Institute and University, a Master of Education Degree in early childhood from Old Dominion University, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in special education from James Madison University. She is the author of Living in the Shadow of the Too-Good Mother Archetype (2014), Letters to Freedom (2019), and Shame-Informed Therapy: Treatment Strategies to Overcome Core Shame and Reconstruct the Authentic Self (2020). 

RegistrationEarly bird FeeRegular Fee
Individual 1 Day Enrollment$269.00N/A
Individual 2 Day Enrollment$469.00N/A
Individual 3 Day Enrollment$669.00N/A
Full-Time Student$609.00N/A

All fees are in Canadian dollars ($CAD).

Fees are per person, seat sharing is not allowed. Please respect this policy, failure to comply will result in termination of access without a refund. For group rates please contact


  • Canadian Psychological Association
    The Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) and the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers (NLASW) accept CPA-approved continuing education credits