FREE 1 Hour Course: Understanding the DSM-5-TR

Presented by Carissa Muth, Psy.D., CCC, R.Psych

Live Streaming on July 24, 2024


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FREE one hour workshop!

This workshop will be live streaming to online participants on July 24, 2024 from 10:00am – 11:00am PT (Vancouver, BC)
Please adjust your start time according to your specific time zone. 

Please allow 3 – 5 business days after the course airs for recorded footage to become available.

The polarization surrounding the DSM often places mental health workers in camps of “medical model” versus “non- medical model.”  This gap is often exacerbated based on misunderstandings, which can lead to the perpetuation of misinformation, and ultimately place clients at risk of harm. In this one-hour webinar, Dr. Carissa Muth will provide a brief history of the DSM, including its purpose, in order bridge the gap between these seemingly opposite epistemologies. Dr. Muth will also provide an overview of common DSM-5-TR diagnoses and how to use them in a manner that benefits client’s treatment and wellbeing. As well, Dr. Muth will offer clarifying facts such as why the diagnosis CPTSD is included in the ICD-11 but not the DSM-5-TR.

Dr. Carissa Muth is a registered psychologist in Alberta and British Columbia and the Clinical Director at the Sunshine Coast Health Centre and Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic.  She holds Doctorate of Psychology, Master of Arts in Counselling, and Bachelor of Social Work degrees and ran a private practice in Alberta for the last ten years. With over fifteen years of experiences in the mental health field, Dr. Muth has provided psychological assessments, therapeutic treatments and conducted research in the field of substance addictions and co-morbid psychological disorders. With both a passion for learning and teaching, Dr. Muth has presented her research and expertise across the country at a variety of mental health conferences.