Professional Burnout: Tools & Techniques for Mental Health & Education Professionals

Presented by Katherine Daly, Ph.D.

Live Streaming October 21, 2024


6 Hours  |   Pre-approved for CEUs


This workshop will be live streaming to online participants on October 21, 2024 from 8:30am – 4:00pm (Vancouver, BC)
Please adjust your start time according to your specific time zone. 

Recorded footage and all course content (certificate, videos, quiz) will be available until November 21, 2024. Extensions cannot be granted under any circumstances.
Please allow 5 – 7 business days after the course airs for recorded footage to become available.

Registration will close on October 20, 2024. 

Mental health clinicians are often faced with treating high-functioning professional clients with stress, anxiety, and burnout. This may include physicians and allied healthcare providers, attorneys, business executives, and more. These populations face unique psychological challenges. Some of the characteristics that drive success and achievement can also put these professionals at greater risk for stress-related symptoms, anxiety, and burnout. I refer to these as “double-edge sword” characteristics because they have often worked to the client’s advantage over time helping them be ambitious, perseverant, and rise to a high level of success. Yet, these characteristics come at a price and may put high-functioning professionals at risk for mental health symptoms. These characteristics start to define the person and can be challenging to change and treat. Research also suggests that the most caring and conscientious professionals are at higher risk for burnout.

Theories such as maladaptive perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and compassion fatigue provide some context for mental health clinicians to understand the psychological detriment of when a person’s high expectations for themselves become unhealthy. Increasingly, mental health clinicians are focusing their practice on these populations and more hospital and corporate settings are hiring on-site mental health clinicians and wellness coaches. This training will focus on relevant theory, case examples, traditional anxiety and stress management approaches, mindfulness and health promotion strategies to empower clinicians to effectively treat stress, anxiety, and depression among high-functioning professionals.

  1. Introduction, Disclosures, Background
  1. What are the mental health risk factors that high-functioning professionals face?
    1. Define and provide relevant research and epidemiological statistics:
      1. Stress-related symptoms
      2. General anxiety, OCD, OCPD, excoriation, eating disorders, and substance use disorder
      3. Burnout
  1. What theories help clinicians understand the unique characteristics of this population?
    1. Maladaptive perfectionism
    2. Imposter syndrome
    3. Burnout
    4. When caring becomes too much (i.e. compassion fatigue)
    5. Work as an addiction or form of avoidance
    6. Theories on resilience, grit, performance

Lunch break

  1. Health Promotion and Treatment Approaches
    1. Treatment approaches traditionally applied to anxiety (CBT, systematic desensitization, exposure, referral for concomitant treatment with psychiatry)
    2. Mindfulness and helping clients build a mindful practice
    3. Health promotion strategies (sleep, nutrition, exercise, stress management)
    4. Setting boundaries between work and personal life
    5. Creating a “wellness prescription” that is realistic for high-functioning professionals
  1. Techniques, Experiential Activities, and Homework for this Population
    1. Case studies will be included here as well
    2. Homework for clients outside of therapy (example wellness program)
    3. Structuring your practice: Making therapy accessible, flexible, and efficient
  • Be able to identify the specific mental health risk factors commonly experienced by high-functioning professionals, including their prevalence, definitions, and differential diagnosis
  • Learn relevant theories to consider when working with high-functioning professionals to aid in your clinical conceptualization of the psychological challenges they experience
  • Learn about treatment approaches, including techniques and counseling theories, applicable to this population.
  • Gain experience practicing techniques and discussing case examples to inform your work with this population.
  • Consider self-care, the structure of your practice, and how to maintain your own wellness over time while treating clients with burnout
Katherine Daly, Ph.D.
RegistrationEarly bird FeeRegular Fee
Individual Enrollment$269.00N/A

All fees are in Canadian dollars ($CAD).

Group rates and student discounts are available. Please contact for more information.

  • Canadian Psychological Association
    The Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) and the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers (NLASW) accept CPA-approved continuing education credits