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This workshop is part of The Many Pathways to Healing Conference: Clinical Interventions in the Treatment of Trauma, Grief & Loss
This workshop will be live streaming to online participants on November 14, 2024 from 8:30am – 4:00pm (Calgary, AB)
Please adjust your start time according to your specific time zone.
Recorded footage and all course content (certificate, videos, quiz) will be available until December 16, 2024. Extensions cannot be granted under any circumstances.
Please allow 5 – 7 business days after the course airs for recorded footage to become available.
Registration will close on November 12, 2024.
Normative and Prolonged Grief: Proven and Effective Clinical Interventions to Help Your Clients Process Grief and Loss | PRESENTED BY Christina Zampitella, Psy.D., FT
Mental health and healthcare professionals are faced with the often misunderstood and misdiagnosed symptoms of normative and prolonged grief. Formal education rarely, if ever, provides extensive enough training to accurately identify and treat those who are grieving. Unfortunately, grieving clients are diagnosed incorrectly because symptoms can mimic normative or prolonged grief. The grieving process is often pathologized, or misdiagnosed, resulting in potential exacerbation of the presenting issues because inappropriate interventions are utilized. As a result, those who are grieving are often inadvertently disenfranchised by providers, which can make the professional support they sought to reconstruct their previously shattered identities and worldviews ineffective, and even, at time, exacerbate other mental health difficulties. It is essential to be versed in identifying grief related constructs that may underlie, or even cause, mental health and behavior associated problems.
This presentation aims to provide current, research based information on the grieving process, clarify misconceptions of outdated theories, and differentiate between normative and prolonged grief. It also examines the changes in conceptualization, differential diagnosing, and effective, clinically proven interventions that may be utilized with grieving individuals and families. Attendees will leave with an improved clinical skill set they can immediately apply to identify and treat their clients.